Faith Lutheran Disaster Ministry Team wants you to be Fire Disaster Safe!

Smoke Alarms Save Lives

The biggest part of a successful home fire escape plan is the early warning that properly installed and maintained smoke alarms provide you and your family.  Nationally there is a fire somewhere in America every 85 seconds.  Having one working smoke alarm in your home improves the likelihood of you surviving a fire emergency by better than 80%.  Add a second smoke alarm and your odds of surviving that fire increase above 90%.

In our area we are most likely to experience a fire emergency that starts in the kitchen, family room, bedroom, garage, or laundry room.  An efficient smoke alarm installed inside your home can alert you to this emergency and give you the precious time to escape.

For this to work the smoke alarm must be less than 10 years old to sound the timely alert it is designed to provide.  Local fire departments recommend any smoke alarm older than 10 years of age, including centrally wired and battery powered devices, be completely replaced!  The sensitivity of the device starts to decrease beyond 10 years of use.  It’s ability to provide timely warning decreases!

Current building codes require a smoke alarm in every bedroom, in the hallway outside bedrooms, and one on all other floors of the house.

Last year the Rural Metro Fire Department along with the Knox County Fire Prevention Bureau partnered with local civic, professional, and church groups to install free smoke alarms in Knox County homes under a grant from the Tennessee State Fire Marshal’s Office.  Faith Lutheran Disaster Ministry Team wants to do this for you, your neighbors, friends, and loved ones.

Call the church office, 966-9626 and leave your contact information with Mary Boring and the Disaster Ministry Team will arrange to evaluate the fire safety of your home.

Smoke alarms do save lives.  Help us save as many live as we can.



Care, Prepare, Share

“To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail”

Winston Churchill

Disasters, sooner or later, will affect us, our families, or our friends. It could be a severe storm, a power outage, a house fire, or even a tornado. Did you know that in Knox County and the surrounding counties, a house fire occurs more than 260 times a year? A small dose of preparedness is well worth it when disaster strikes. Our new Disaster Ministry emphasizes how to prepare ourselves, our families, our church family and our church facility for the most likely disasters that may befall us.

We started with 2 sessions to provide an overview of our Disaster Ministry, then we’ll learn how to do the following:

  • Make a disaster preparedness kit.
  • Prepare a family plan in case of disaster.
  • Learn how to stay informed before, during & after a disaster.
  • Take care of our elderly and functional needs, family members and friends, as well as those of small children and pets.

We’ll make sure that our Faith Family members who may need extra assistance in a disaster are also taken care of. Later on, we’ll focus on the numerous opportunities to take our new knowledge out into our communities.

Our Disaster Ministry is for all Faith Family members. We look forward to seeing you. For more information or if you would like to be a leader in our newest ministry, contact the church office at  966-9626.